Readership Disclaimer

No guarantee is implied whatsoever on the accurateness or completeness of any of the information supplied within this website.

Have fun, but use at your own risk.
We take absolutely no responsibility for what you do with the information supplied within this website.

Any recommendations or suggestions or modifications expressed in any form or type on this website should be considered as general ideas or thoughts only, and not as our opinion, recommendation or suggestion of what you need or should do to your own vehicle or other animate or inanimate objects.

Any modifications you willingly choose to do on your own behalf should be performed only if you are capable of such modifications and only after you have done your own additional research & investigations & came to your own conclusions about the effectiveness, usefulness & safeness (etc.) about the specific modification.

This is NOT a recommendation by us that you actually should perform any modification even if the above conditions are met.
We are NOT suggesting in any way that you do ANY modifications to your vehicle (or elsewhat).
If you willingly choose to perform an action, you should be absolutely sure you know what you are doing before performing any action.

The information herein should be considered as a for entertainment use only.

This website may contain advertising and affiliate links for which the owner of the site may receive a small commission if you buy the products or services from these links (but in no way costs you anything additional).
Not all links shown on this website are advertising or affiliate links, sometimes we simply supply helpful information that may be of some use to some readers for some purpose.
Advertising and affiliate links are just part of the way that we are able to keep this website alive & online for your enjoyment!
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The content within comes from a variety of sources, so if you believe it should be removed for some reason, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

If you have any questions, concerns or comments about this notice, send us a message with the issue.

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