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License Plates!

Tuesdays Are The Day You Can See All Types of Dodge Challenger License Tags on Here!

Personalized Plates, Vanity Tags, Custom License Plates, Booster – Souvenir – Commemorative Plates, & Lots More!

So you got the cool car. Did ya do what a lot of other Dodge Challenger owners did?
Acquire a personalized vanity license plate tag for it?

Some people choose to put their own name, or some version of their names on the plate.
Others name their vehicles, with a wide variety of monikers, and use that.
The actual colors or a variation are often chosen for license tags.
Trim packages and car models are another possibility.
Then there’s those who come up with clever sayings and whatnot.

Attaching a vanity license plate to the Dodge Challenger is just another form of customizing it to your own liking.

Need ideas for a vanity license plate on YOUR Dodge Challenger? Get ’em here!

Below are some personal license plates we saw recently!

* Note, these pics come from a variety of sources, so if you see one (or yours) that shouldn’t be posted on here, feel free to contact us (be sure to send us the website url of this specific page so we can find it!) *

Want YOUR awesome license plate on the next post like this we make?
You can submit a pic using the form found here:  LICENSE PLATE SUBMISSION
(just make sure to tell us it’s for the next “vanity plate post” in the comments section on that form!)


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